Notification of a planning application at Church Farm and East Barns

Planning Applications for change of use from light industrial to residential at Church Farm Barn and East Barn, Little Snoring Road, Kettlestone

Prior approval is part of the new legislation (General Permitted Development Order 2016 Schedule 2 Class PA) under which applicants can apply for prior approval for change of use from B1 (light industrial) to C (residential) before putting in a full planning application for the design etc. of the residential dwelling/s. The Planning Authority assesses the prior application against criteria in four areas: B1 use (the applicant has to provide evidence that the building was used for light industrial use); transport and highways; contamination; flood risk.

If prior approval is granted there would still need to be a full planning application (with the usual consultations). The development would have to be on the footprint of the existing buildings. The new rules override the Local Development Framework criteria for no development in the ‘countryside’ area of Kettlestone.

Members of the public can submit comments directly to the District Council as well as making their views known to the Parish Council.

The applications and associated documents can be viewed on the North Norfolk District Council website

The planning references are

Church Farm Barn PU/17/1660

East Barn PU/17/1663 .

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