Annual Parish Meeting 2018

Present: G Ashby (Chairman), D Burgis, M Hoad, R Kilbourn, T Rivett, P Whitehead (Vice-Chairman), and ten members of the public

Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 pm on Monday 21 May 2018 in the Village Hall


  1. Apologies for absence: Steve Hipkin, Judith Kilbourn and NCCllr S Aquarone
  2. The Minutes of last meeting on 15 May 2017 were approved and signed
  3. Short presentations from village groups
    1. Parish Council
    2. Parochial Church Council (Mary Townsin)
    3. Village Hall/Social Club (Clare Kay)
    4. Kettlestone Charities (Anna Long)
    5. Norfolk County Councillor Steff Aquarone
    6. Any other village groups: none
  4. Any matters which the public wish to raise or discuss.
    1. A resident raised concerns about drivers using mobile phones e.g. on Holbrigg Lane. It was noted that this was a criminal offence – if possible details of vehicle and time of day should be passed on to the police. It was suggested that this could taken to SNAP meeting (details to be put in newsletter).

Meeting closed at 8 pm

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